Gaming Addicts - Why you should attend NA Meetings

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Tommi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
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Gaming Addicts - Why you should attend NA Meetings

I was inspired by a post from Jacob:
who credits his recovery to attending NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings.

  1. Face to face meetings are important to recovery.
  2. There are very few Olganon face-to face meetings anywhere.
  3. NA is not just for drug addicts - alcoholics, sex and porn addicts, and gaming addicts are welcome.
  4. It is not permitted to discuss the specifc cause of your addiction at NA meetings (weed, coke, booze, computer games, etc.)
  5. In the open meeting you will not be required to say you are a gaming addict (only 'an addict'). You can share this with others after the meeting - no one will laugh or tell you that you are in the wrong place.
  6. There are weekly and daily meeting in major and minor cities all over the United States and in many countries throughout the world:
  7. At NA meetings you can meet recovery buddies and a sponsor if you like
  8. If you believe you are addicted, you will find all those who attend NA are addicts too. Only addicts can truly understand other addicts.
  9. You can meet others from your neighborhood and exchange phone numbers. So if you are struggling and/or close to relapse you can ring someone nearby.
  10. Answer this questionnaire and substitute computer gaming or WoW or CoD or SL for drugs.
  11. The only requirement for membership of NA is 'a desire to stop using' (note here no specific substance or even drug is mentioned).
  12. At NA you will find others who understand:
    - to be addicted
    - to be powerless to stop or use moderation
    - to have withdrawals
    - to have thoughts of gaming/using go round and round your head constantly
    - to lose family and friends and become isolated as a result of our addiction
    - relapse
    - how to stop active addiction

Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness

Tommi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
OLG-Anon memberOLGA member
Joined: 09/13/2012 - 7:39am
And if you are Christian,

And if you are Christian, you will find the same kind of help at Celebrate Recovery.

Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness

Bill F.
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Cool plug Tommi. I know that

Cool plug Tommi. I know that I've been fearful of going to an NA meeting because I have been worried that I might be shunned, or that my gaming addiction (or I) might be put down. I have also heard (though I haven't verified this myself) that the NA rooms in the immediate area where I live are not very good at keeping their substances away from their meetings.

For that reason I know a lot of people in open AA rooms who just say they're an alcoholic, or say nothing, in order to find a 12-step meeting they like.

I'm hoping to become brave enough to test the waters with more new F2F meetings myself. Thanks for the reminder :)

Last game played: April 24th 2014

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I understand your concerns,

I understand your concerns, Chris. The NA meetings I attended in my first 90 days were actually the roughest of all those I visited. I definitely benefited and don't regret those meetings whatsoever, but I didn't settle in there. The meetings that were available and most comfortable for me are "All Addictions" 12 Step meetings. Still, they're mostly comprised of Anons and A.A. which admittedly isn't a perfect fit, but part of my recovery is letting go of perfection anyway. :) In my experience, any face-to-face meeting is better than no face-to-face meeting. It isn't essential to my recovery for me to identify specifically with the addiction. It's nice but not necessary. Thankfully, I can readily transfer and apply the broader truths that enrich our lives beyond the specifics. We desperately need the sort of human connection that can be found there - away from the computer!

Acceptance. When I am disturbed, it is because a person, place, thing, or situation is unacceptable to me. I find no serenity until I accept my life as being exactly the way it is meant to be. Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.  Acknowledge the problem, but live the solution!

Scott's picture
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The NA meetings that I am

The NA meetings that I am familiar with are very accepting and helpful for gaming addicts.

It should be kept in mind: NA meetings can be very different in different places. These points


3. NA is not just for drug addicts - alcoholics, sex and porn addicts, and gaming addicts are welcome.

4. It is not permitted to discuss the specifc cause of your addiction at NA meetings (weed, coke, booze, computer games, etc.

5.In the open meeting you will not be required to say you are a gaming addict (only 'an addict'). You can share this with others after the meeting - no one will laugh or tell you that you are in the wrong place.

while probably true for most meetings are likely not true for all meetings. I suggest checking NA meetings out (face-to-face meetings are very helpful) and keeping in mind that you may have to try out a few different ones before finding a good fit.

With open meetings in NA and AA, anyone is welcome to attend and observe. AA asks that only alcoholics participate. Some NA groups may ask that only those addicted to drugs participate. There's much to be gained from attending and observing. Even if a meeting limits participation during the meeting, we can still make connections with people there and potentially find support, encouragement & sponsorship with open-minded people who will meet before or after the meeting.

What you feed grows, and what you starve withers away.

Tommi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
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Joined: 09/13/2012 - 7:39am
Thank you for the

Thank you for the feedback.

I guess I am lucky. There is an NA group in my town which meets Monday and Friday at 18.30 in one of the rooms of an addiction clinic. Attendance is between 20 and 25, about 70/30 men to women.

It is a mixed group from people in the entertainment business to builders. I do not know what the addictions are (its not permitted to say) but I am guessing mostly alcohol, coke and weed (which is pretty much legal here). A couple of sex addicts and me the lone gamer.

I would also add that although it is not required, most attending have accepted some form of higher power or spirituality. I have not yet met a professed atheist in my group.

Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness

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I think the same could be

I think the same could be said for going to AA meetings - both those programs have great recovery and focus on the steps. It definitely isn't just NA meetings that all of what you listed can be found.

But the basic premise of going to live 12-step focused meetings, and everything that goes along with that - HIGHLY recommend as well. There is no substitute for an addict, regardless of what their vice is.

lilac's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 12/26/2012 - 6:02pm
Great reasons to go to NA

Great reasons to go to NA Tommi, and I am glad you brought this important subject up. I believe face to face meetings have a power of their own, that works with the power of these online forums.

Being a spouse of a gamer, I have found Nar-Anon to be very helpful, for the same reasons you list. I also have never been judged.

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I don't need two plates (that's ego)
But I will not settle for crumbs and scraps off the table!

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