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Last seen: 16 years 3 days ago
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Joined: 03/22/2005 - 11:08am

Quote:American Medical Association Takes Action on Video Games

Source: American Medical Association

Given that approximately 70 to 90 percent of U.S. youths play video games, the American Medical Association (AMA) today called for more research on the long-term beneficial and detrimental effects of video game and Internet use, as well as a review of the current video game ratings system.
To spur additional study, the AMA will submit the full report and recommendations to the American Psychiatric Association and other appropriate medical specialty societies for review and consideration in conjunction with the upcoming revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

"While more study is needed on the addictive potential of video games, the AMA remains concerned about the behavioral, health and societal effects of video game and Internet overuse," said Ronald M. Davis, M.D., AMA President. "We urge parents to closely monitor their children's use of video games and the Internet."

The AMA also called for a review of the current video game ratings systems. The current ratings system for video games has been in place since 1994. Research from a variety of sources, including the U.S. Surgeon General, links children's exposure to media violence with increases in aggressive and violent behavior. Concern about this system's effectiveness in alerting parents to violence and age appropriate content has led to attempts at both the federal and state levels to enact regulation of video game content and to better control the sale of inappropriate video games to minors.

"We would like to see a ratings system that better alerts parents to the content of the video game and recommended age of the player, so they can decide whether or not their child should be playing it," said Dr. Davis. "Parents need to more closely monitor and restrict the types of video games their children are playing and buying, and a clear rating system would help them do that."

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/10/2007 - 4:33pm
Re: Progress?

Honestly, this is probably a step backwards. The hope had been that they would "officially" classify it as an addiction. Doing so would have allowed it to be seen as a legitimate medical condition, thereby enabling people to get treatment through their medical insurance. At least they are calling for more research on the topic. Without that distinction being made, those who are addicted may have to seek , and pay for, their own treatment. I dont believe anything has been finalized yet though, so some hope remains. Unfortunatley, as I understand things, if it doesnt get labeled as such now, then it will be 2012 before it can be entered in as an official addicton then. However, I suspectA that, regardless of what its called, there will be other outlets, not the least of which is this site, for helping people get through this. Imho - the label doesnt matter as much as getting folks the help they need.

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Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 04/09/2003 - 7:42am
Re: Progress?

I dunno. In all likelihood the Congress heard about this enough to be more likely to actually fund those studies. So we'll see.

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