Step 6: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

Principle - Willingness

Personal Inventory

We Discovered our defects in Step 4 and shared them in Step 5. In this step, we make the decision to let go of the defects that kept us sick. Are we ready?

This step involves a change in attitude. By being ready to have God remove all these defects of character, we become willing to let go of our resentments, fears and whatever other defects of character which we have held. Sometimes, some of us have enjoyed our resentments and other defects, feeling that they were justified, but since we are now on a spiritual path, and we are willing to go to any length to give up our addictive behavior and address the underlying issues that caused it, we become ready to have God remove our defects of character.

Some questions to ponder:

- What character defects are obvious to me? These are the defects that you have listed in your fourth step inventory.

Jealousy Gluttony
Unhealthy Fears
Unresolved Hurts
Other Sins

- What Desctructive Skills did we use to cope with these?

Excessive gaming
Ignoring our real lives
Escaping from our real lives
No longer participating in real-life relationships

a) In your journal, make a list of all your defects of character that you are entirely ready to have removed.

b) Than make a list of all your defects of character that you are not entirely ready to have removed.

c) Write down the reasons why you want to hold onto each defect of character in 6b.

We prepare for the process of letting go of these defects in our character. We review our steps thus far. Are we willing to let go of them? Am I willing to surrender them?

If so, then the step is completed.

Working guide for Step 6. Read and share your story about Step 6 here: Step 6